⚠️ Caution: content under /news
does not have a permalink structure yet.
Once there are enough entries to warrant doing so,
the content will be moved around a bit. ⚠️
As is traditional for a personal website, this place got neglected for a while. Life events intervened, and several articles didn’t get published for reasons of “they sound too grumpy.” I don’t want to be (or become) the kind of old guy who complains about everything, all the time.
I also decided to try posting weekly at Decoded Node🌎, which ended up taking much of my time and requiring a couple of breaks itself. However, the mission was successful: I made posts with a lot more personality and heart. It isn’t striving so hard to be a dispassionate narrator. It is more inspired by how Chris Siebenmann🌎 or Julia Evans🌎 write posts.