News Briefs

⚠️ Caution: content under /news does not have a permalink structure yet. Once there are enough entries to warrant doing so, the content will be moved around a bit. ⚠️


After the service interruption, cleanup efforts, and blocking of GPTBot last week, there are new request limits and resource monitoring scripts installed. This is expected to give us more runway to react in event of another incident, before it spirals into actual downtime.


As is traditional for a personal website, this place got neglected for a while. Life events intervened, and several articles didn’t get published for reasons of “they sound too grumpy.” I don’t want to be (or become) the kind of old guy who complains about everything, all the time.

I also decided to try posting weekly at Decoded Node🌎, which ended up taking much of my time and requiring a couple of breaks itself. However, the mission was successful: I made posts with a lot more personality and heart. It isn’t striving so hard to be a dispassionate narrator. It is more inspired by how Chris Siebenmann🌎 or Julia Evans🌎 write posts.